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Level and Systems Design


A sci-fi platformer where you play as an inter-dimensional blob trying to escape a research facility that you have been summoned into by a group of scientists for experimentation. Created as part of Jamfuser 2020.




2D Platformer



Given that we had only a short time to complete this game, and a team of only 5 people as well, it was decided early on that we would all have to do multiple tasks in order to finish anything on time. As such I was given the task of designing and programming the UI and the 'dimension leap' mechanic. I decided to first work on the dimension leap mechanic as it was core to the idea of our game. Thankfully this was achieved fairly simply with the Tags system in Unity, so I then moved on to the UI. Once again this was easier than expected since once we sat down and thought about it, we realised that we only needed to display the controls in the tutorial level, and after that there was no information the player needed displaying with a UI element. The tutorial UI was achieved using the Unity animation system to slowly fade in and out the relevant text boxes. After a quick main menu was made by our artist ( and buttons were added to it, I was finished with UI tasks and was assigned to the second level of the game. Unfortunately this level was made at the very end of our time limit so I didn't have time to do any prep work, instead just making a design in my head and implementing it.

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